Monday, January 12, 2015

No Routine Today

Husband got sick yesterday afternoon and stayed home today. It looks like he has the 24 stomach bug. He seems to be feeling better this afternoon. My friend who has helped me get where ever I needed to be, called early, about 8 o'clock. She rarely gets up before 9 or 10 so it was early. She needed me to pick her up and take me to her car so she could get her mail keys before it got towed to be fixed. It died on her way home from Bingo across the river (Canada).  She's a single gal, my age living out on a dirt road with no neighbors. Since she comes by to visit and check on me every weekday I brought her home to have tea and visit. We laughed almost the whole time she was here since husband was regaling us with his dry sense of humor.  It was nice to have him and and feeling a little better.
We also watched the birds. I especially enjoy the nuthatches. They are such a pretty bird.
By the time I took her home and returned I needed to get going on my Monday morning routine. With my husband working full time I usually do a lot of washing, cleaning and straightening up on Mondays.  He leaves at 6AM and I work/rest through the morning and manage to get quite a bit done. Afternoons are usually lost to doing a lot of work as my energy dwindles.
So today very little got done. However I have learned not to push and to remember tomorrow is another day.

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