Thursday, August 27, 2015


I survived the two most humid and hot days of this years. Thankfully my husband put in the AC. I was having such trouble breathing and the AC may a huge difference. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015


I got a call yesterday from the clinic telling me my MRI was normal. I am thankful. It gave me energy for the day and I was able to drive to Calais and back. My friend went with me and we hit a couple of yard sales and went to the thrift shop.  I have been blessed with thrift shop shopping in the last two days and now have to go through my wardrobe to sort. Some of it is summer but much is for winter.
The kittens are growing so fast and are everywhere. I need to sort that out too. I have a huge bruise on my knee from falling down as I stepped over the barricade that was keeping them in the living  room.
The weather has been very humid and uncomfortable.  I have tried to dress so I am cool and keep the curtains shut to keep the house cool. So far so good.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Too Hot

The last couple of days has been brutal. The heat and humidity are weighing me down. All the painful parts of my body showed up and tried to take my sleep away. I have a great arsenal of meds to chase the pain away and was able to finally get to sleep.
A week and a half ago I had a head event where I experienced excruciating pain in my head and thought it was falling apart. I had my husband hold it together and help me with meds to calm everything down.
I saw my doctor on Wednesday and he did a neurological exam and found that my balance is off. So today I am off to have an MRI to check my brain. I hope its still there and somehow hasn't leaked out!
Isn't this fibro life interesting!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Where have I been?

The last two weeks flew by! My visit to the Rheumatologist went very well. She had read my records before I saw her so we could talk about what was going on and what I could take or do to enhance my quality of life. She stressed that Fibromyalgia was a chronic condition and I needed to manage it. She also said the meds I was on were good for that management. She recommended a couple of changes and said she though water therapy would help.
I spent last Monday getting my passcard which would let me go into Canada. I needed it because there was a new complex there with a therapy pool (warm water) and some classes offered. I went into Canada yesterday with my temporary card and located the complex and got all the paperwork and a schedule. I hope to go next week to my first class.
I also saw my body work practitioner. That 2 hour session went very well. It is very different but it seems to give me more pain free days! I'm all for that.
Kittens are growing by leaps and bounds. We are enjoying them.
We had carrots, lettuce and a cuke out of the garden this week. What a treat to have such fresh food.