Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

There are good days and bad days. There are many more bad nights when I stop for the day and prepare for sleep. The body isn't always co-operative. Sometimes there is pain in my joints and muscles. Sometimes I can't settle and get comfortable and feel like an overtired baby.  Sometimes my tailbone sends shooting pain. Sometimes my body is oversensitive and I can't stand anything to touch my skin. Usually a hard night is followed by a day when I am very tired.
Today was one of those tired days that followed a hard night and trouble going to sleep. I sat on the couch for a while and watched the fire. I took more pain meds. I paced. I finally got back in bed and was able to sleep.
So there you have it. Fibromyalgia, the gift that keeps on giving!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Do I Smell?

I must be because today I have been spoiled rotten. On the last day of my husband's vacation he went all out. He made me a delicious breakfast of eggs and toast. I got a wonderful massage. All the dishes from lunch got washed. Nothing has been required from me today. I am truly thankful. I have been so tired and achy that today was a great day to be lazy.
The constant, chronic-ness of this insidious syndrome makes me angry sometimes. I want it to just go away. I want "me" back again. I think I need to get to know the "new me" better so I can give her what she needs.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

And More Fatigue

I managed to get a load of wash done and lunch on the table but fatigue is still dogging me. I am having joint pain randomly in my knees and elbows.  There seems to be a lot of muscle pain as well. Fibro is no respecter of persons. On the other hand my dear husband has managed to plow through his "to do" list for this week and get everything done. What a guy! He even made supper last night when I had run out.
Working on accepting what is without complaint is high on my list. Some days I just want to crawl onto the couch and sleep the day away. I did find that I  am in better spirits when I get the bed made and the kitchen in order so I try to do that everyday. If I have a supper plan more often than not I can get supper on the table. 

Friday, December 26, 2014


I have moved things around in my front room even though I am fatigued. Husband was busy outside and needed to bring down some more wood. I now need to clean and put away all the clutter. Although we had a great time going out to eat and to visit it took its tole on me and I am trying to do tasks that do not require a lot of brain power. I feel thinking impaired! I would love to just veg and watch some episodes this afternoon. We'll see how that goes.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

We had a quiet, restful morning and talked to a couple of our kids. Then we headed to my sister's house where she served a lovely turkey dinner. Another couple was there and we enjoyed visiting with them as well.
I am starting to feel very fatigued and will head to the bedroom soon. I think I did just enough today.
I am not complaining but it is hard to not be able to participate in the way I did in the past. I should make a return call to on of my kids that called when we were out but I am much too tired. I'll have to try to call tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

The cooking for tomorrow is done. I've made brownies and cookies and magic bars. We are going to my sister's house for dinner and she asked me to bring magic bars. I am also filling a box with brownies, no-bake cookies and mint chip cookies for a gift for them. As you can see I feel pretty good this morning and am moving happily through my day.
I am trying to pace myself and to keep to my med schedule so I have the support in place I need.  This sometimes becomes a stressful time of year and I want to do my part to steer clear of stress.

Post script: I overdid it this morning and was completely exhausted after lunch. This meant I sat and vegged for several hours this afternoon.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Look What a Good Night's Sleep Will Do

I slept well last night. Today I was able function so much better. I got some special cookies made. The house is in good shape. My husband took me out to lunch and to the grocery store. I really enjoyed getting out. Supper is planned and easy. It feels like a regular day all because of a good night's sleep.  I think what helped was that last night I took a little more pain med than usual because I'd had such a hard day.  That's what it's for, although I don't always remember that!

Monday, December 22, 2014


The reality of fibromyalgia is this. There is no predictability. I found that last night was a long and painful night. My body couldn't tolerate the sheets touching any part of my body. Joints that never hurt before decided to be included in the fun of tormenting me. I took the usual meds that have worked in the past only to find they came up short. After watching two episodes on netfix the usual distraction that helps with sleep issues I could not find relief. I put on my earbuds and listened to music for much of the night.
Today the lack of good sleep meant I was tired. This morning I did , mostly on autopilot, my Monday morning routine. After lunch however I could no longer stay awake and napped most of the afternoon. I am trying to skirt around chest wall pain because I don't feel like walking into the bedroom for the pain med.
I would appreciate it if the truck that ran over me took another route!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Watching from the window

I would to be involved when my husband is doing wood. After all it keeps me cosy during the winter. If I don't go outside I don't even know how cold it really is. 

He says that I can't help. So my job has been to provide a good lunch. Yesterday I made Cheesy broccoli chicken. It was delicious. Today I want to make a pork stir fry. I found an easy recipe and am waiting for the pork to thaw. 

Although I am somewhat sluggish today I feel pretty good. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Happy! Happy!

My beloved husband is on vacation until Dec.28th. "It's so nice to have a man around the house."  It is wonderful to have him home.  He hangs in there with me when I need him and encourages me as I walk this unfamiliar road.
Last night I slept fairly well. I am trying to be more proactive around the meds I need to take. It seems to help.  I was uncertain when I went to bed if my body was going to co-operate but after a bit everything settled down and I fell asleep.
This morning I am having a slow start.  I guess it will be a day to make a list so I can figure out the priorities and go from there.

Friday, December 19, 2014


After two days of sheer exhaustion and a travel day which was exhausting, my body started to act out. Pain that had been dormant for several weeks decided to rear its ugly head. I should not have been surprised. Rest is a big help when this happens. Somehow I often can't wrap my mind around the fact that it is okay to relax and rest.  I was at the point last night when everything hurt and I felt like a baby who was so overtired she couldn't let go and sleep.  I am grateful for meds that actually work and grateful even more when I get my mind to agree that its all right to take them!
This morning I feel like I got a decent night's sleep and should function better today.
Acceptance of my body's limitations is very difficult.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

One Happy Gal

The 4 wheel drive is fixed on my much loved Jeep. I am so thankful. We are expecting a big storm tonight through tomorrow and it will make it safer for my husband's morning drive to work.
I took my good friend with me and she did half of the driving. I'm glad she did because by the time we got there my fingers and the base of my thumbs were hurting pretty bad. I had reviewed my med schedule which I don't always follow and discovered that I was supposed to be taking Advil daily.  I haven't taken any in the last month. When I got home I took some and the pain in my hands went away. Guess I should look at that med list more often.

Monday, December 15, 2014


So, my beady little brain finds denial quite easy to do! I spent a wonderful week-end with family, ate out, stayed up late, walked a lot, shopped and I was sure it was 'nothing'. However today the the denial of anything chronic going on went out the window. Fatigue set in and there was lots of resting and sleeping. Even tonight my body is telling me it could use another day of rest.
I am glad I planned an easy supper and can get in bed early tonight. By Wednesday I hope to have caught up and can function once again!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Home Again

Exhausted but happy. The overnight away was the first we've had in a long time and we were glad we did it. The ride over (two hours) was filled with conversation that we needed to have. The shopping was fun as we "did" our list together in the big city. Eating out together, resting in the motel and heading off to the Collins Center where the dance recital was being held filled our day. Then, there was meeting the new boyfriend of our youngest daughter. What a terrific gentleman he is. Our granddaughter did her three dancing pieces quite well and seemed to enjoy wearing the sparkly costume. Her mother showed a lot of energy in the two pieces she was in. I don't know where she found all that energy.
Today we slept in and had a bit of breakfast at the Inn before finishing out our big city shopping and then headed to a local truckers restaurant for a terrific brunch/lunch with the family. Kisses and hugs all around and we all headed, in different directions, home.
My fingers hurt, my knees and legs are tired but my smile is big.
I am so thankful we decided to do this.

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Family Week-end

We are going to be away overnight this week-end. Two of our lovely daughters have made it possible for us to visit them, see one daughter and her daughter's dance recital, stay in a nice Country Inn and have brunch together the next day. I am excited. It's been a long since we've done anything like this.

I am feeling pretty good and there are rest times built into the visit so it should work out.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ice and Rain

It's a day to stay home for sure! I have on some Christmas music and am slowly working my way through cleaning. I am pacing myself so I don't get too tired.  I seem to have recovered from the drug withdrawal and am back to normal. I would like to see the temps rise about ten degrees so the ice would melt. Our dooryard is so dangerous at this point. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Yikes! Drug Withdrawal Event!

I am on a drug for my fibromyalgia that has lots of side effects. I have been fortunate to benefit from it with no noticeable side effects. I have a tendency to react to drugs differently than most so I wasn't surprised.  However there is a caution about stopping this drug without help from the doctor. I paid it no heed when I ran out because I knew my husband would bring it home the next time he was in town and near the pharmacy. (In about four days)  However...

I saved one and took it Saturday after skipping Friday's dose.  Saturday was a great day. I thought I felt all right Sunday just a bit tired and somewhat irritable. Monday I got up and found myself busy and feeling good. I got a small wash done, made the bed, ate my breakfast and then started to feel nauseous.  Hmm? I decided first to try Tums.  Lots of burping and nausea but no relief.  I lay done on the bed and watched an episode for distraction but still quite nauseous.  I then looked up symptoms of drug withdrawal and found out that nausea was one of them. The recommendation was for ginger ale.
I had some and felt a little better.  I convinced myself I could wait until 4PM for my husband to get home with the med I needed.  By 1PM I was sick enough and had the dry heaves, that I called him at work and asked him to come home right after work stopping only for the med. He said that he wouldn't wait but would come now. He was still an hour and 15 minutes away.  By 2PM I was sicker than I ever remember with dry heaves and stomach ache.  The pain was intense and I couldn't stop crying. The last dry heave caused my head to explode so I was dealing with that as well.

When husband came through the door at 2:20PM he was shaken by how I was acting and feeling.  He quickly got my med out and gave me water.  I worked at calming myself while he rubbed my neck.  By suppertime I was able to eat some saltines and take my pain med.  Later I had some pudding which stayed down and watched an episode with him in bed.

I slept well and this morning feel like my 'regular' self.
So here's my advice. Read the literature on any med you are taking. Use caution.  Don't wait to get help.  

Monday, December 8, 2014

Very Sick Today

Nauseous and throwing up. This is from going without a certain med for three days. Ugh! 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Snow Again

Yes, I know, it snows in Maine. I have lived here close to half a life time.  But snow is for winter and it isn't yet the 22nd of December!  This snowing started on again, off again back in early November. I really mustn't get tired of it too soon as there is a long winter ahead.
I love the snow when it is dry and crisp.  My body does not ache so much and I feel so much better.
This icy wet stuff does the opposite.

I ran short of one of my meds at the end of this week and forgot to call it in on a day my husband was working in town.  I wasn't sure it was working but being without it,
put me in a bad place. I guess it was really working.  I am thankful for God's grace in doing with the absence of it.

Today my wonderful husband is home and I am all smiles and not alone and very warm.  He tends the stove for me! Even though the sky is a dreary gray this home is filled with light and love and cooking smells and rack filled clean clothes to add moisture to the air.  This man, my love, companion of more than 40 years is the joy of my life.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Out and About

Today was the third day I felt reasonably well and I had my car back. My husband had been using mine while his was out of commission. I had a list of things that needed to be done away from the house and so I went off and got everything done.  I went to the next town where there's a small grocery store and the bank. Grocery shopping (short list), car registration,  bills that needed paying all got done. I was very tired when I got home but extremely happy.  The days when I could hop in the car and be gone all day doing errands are long gone. I love living where I do but everything is a ride. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Yes. It happens. You do get better from illness. I know because today I am feeling so much better. The antibiotic seems to have knocked the bronchitis on its head!
However, those other issues, you know, the ones that show up randomly. They came to visit last night and today. I have very little range of motion in my left arm and pain in the shoulder joint.  I didn't sleep well because every time I moved the joint hurt. 
I'm glad to have the bronchitis behind me and to be able to do what needs to be done around the house. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Beautiful Sunshiny Day

I woke this morning feeling a bit better.  Yes! The sun was shining and the snow that remained sparkled with diamonds. The house was cozy and warm with the wonderful wood heat from the stove.
Outside it is 15 degrees, a good day to stay indoors.
 I have a short list and am trying to contain my "that needs doing" list and stay peaceful and continue to recuperate.  I had two chest wall flare-ups yesterday but the Flexeril contained the pain to a short duration. I am thankful.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chronic, random, invisible

Yep. That's a description of fibromyalgia. It becomes interesting when it is combined with other illnesses that come our way. I already have an arsenal of meds to deal with the pain of fibromyalgia and many also help with other illness. I have acute bronchitis floating around in my body and the pain med has helped.  The med for anxiety has certainly taken the edge off. The antibiotic seems to be targeting the offensive germs and the requisite sleep has been refreshing. Refreshing because rest is an allowable response to the illness. Now needing rest almost all the time not so much an acceptable response. That takes a  huge emotional toll. Our society is looking for rest and recovery not rest and more rest. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Post Turkey Day

No turkey, no stuffing, no squash, no pies just a dish of ice cream and some popcorn!  That was this year's Thanksgiving!  This morning I got up with a firey throat and took a fishermen's friend lozenger (my worst, yuckiest, most not want to take) and it calmed the fire. I laid down on the couch and slept until noon. Had a bit of jello and ice cream and watched netflix for a bit. Husband reminds me I have two more days of no work and all rest. I'm hungry but it hurts to swallow and hurts to cough.
I know this will pass. I know I will have some good days again. I
know. I know.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

The snow came as promised.
 The lights were on and off all night but by morning the power was back for good. Because I am so weak with this respiratory thing my husband has been taking care of me. I have had what I wanted to eat (not much, my appetite is gone) and watched some episodes on netflix most of the day.
Our cat was most unhappy to find that the door was blocked by snow and meowed all morning.  Our neighbor plowed and shoveled for us so at last she could go onto the deck.
I spent some time laying on the couch and was able to get some bird pictures. That was a treat.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Resting Waiting for Snow

I am feeling very tired and spending most of my time in bed.  The new meds should be working and tomorrow my husband will be home so I will not feel so isolated.
We are expecting a big snowstorm and are ready for it. We'll tuck ourselves in and ride the storm out. Thanksgiving will be low key.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ramp It Up

On to a stronger antibiotic to crush this bronchitis and allow for breathing again.  Well, here's hoping. Exhaustion and fatigue are dogging me as well as poor breathing and no ambition. My joints don't hurt, nor does my back or legs. I suspect enough pain meds can do that. A little bit of functioning would be nice, especially since Thanksgiving is upon us and I am the designated cook.
Not to worry we expect a n'oreaster in the next 24 hours so we will be covered with snow and no one will really care!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Five Days isn't Enough

Clearly I am not any closer to being better than I was last week. I am still hacking and exhausted and have not appetite.  I want to crawl in a hole and hibernate through the winter. My chest wall has reacting poorly to the constant hacking and is hurting.
This too will pass, I know, I know. How about right now.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Moving Right Along

My mouth was not so dry last night and I got great rest and sleep.  Knowing that "not functioning" as the cook and cleaner for another two or three days I am embracing that concept. The fibro seems to be enjoying the down time as well. (Its that 5 day high dose steroid thats probably doing the trick on that!) I know that rest and sleep are the best thing I can do right now so that's what I am working on. I have to take all my after breakfast meds and then back in bed. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Rough Night

Between gut wrenching coughing and an aggravating cat I had a rough night. The med to quell the cough made my mouth and throat very dry so I needed to continually drink water and then continually get up and go to the bathroom. Meanwhile Ms. Spoilt cat, Suki,  happened to catch a mouse in the night and chose to keep it alive and toss it around.  My worst fear was that on one of my bathroom trips I would step on the dead or alive mouse.
At about four AM Suki decided I needed to let her go outside. At 18 degrees I knew if she went out she would only want to come back inside. I put up with her complaining for about an hour while dealing with a raging head ache and finally let her out.  Five minutes later she want back in and within five minutes catch another mouse.
Between the headache, loose mice and not enough sleep I have the crabbies this morning.
I finally made some oatmeal so I could take both my fibro meds and my bronchitis med.  Thankfully after about forty minutes the head let up.
The husband has an all day training today so he won't be home until supper time. My day will consist mostly of sleep. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Acute Bronchitis

That's what the doctor says I've got.  She has given me three different meds to try to help with excruciating cough and the shortness of breath.  Oy, do I really need this?  I am also to rest for the next few days. I see her again on Monday.

Monday, November 17, 2014

It Couldn't Be Helped!

I have graciously/or not received my husband's cold.  My chest is tight and my nose is running.  I feel just plain crummy.  It makes me just want to cry.  But I won't. Life is full of challenges and this is just one of them!
I did just order a new washing machine after deciding with my husband that babying the old one so it wouldn't leak every time was more than I should be doing.  Bending and stooping are not in my job description any more. So the new one is a top loader.  Should be a lot easier on this fibro queen's back!
I certainly enjoyed a piece of the apple pie my daughter made me before she left. What peach she is!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


My dear husband has had a relapse and is exhausted. Our company stayed until after lunch while he slept away the morning.  My sweet daughter did a little cleaning for me and hauled in some groceries to tide us over through next week. What a great kid!  She has her hands full with a special needs daughter and still she finds time to help us out.
My fibro has decided to rear its ugly head and between pain and exhaustion I can hardly manage. It will be early to bed for me tonight.
Here's my granddaughter in her special dress up dress.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Company Ready

Tonight one of our daughters and our granddaughter are coming for an overnight visit. Our upstairs has three bedrooms and a full bath. It is where we have beds for our visitors. However we usually close it off for the winter to save on heating costs. This fall we got lazy and put stuff up there that now needs to be moved to the garage storage area. Yesterday we got started and now are about half done. So this morning we will try to finish the job and then when they leave make it company ready so I don't have to do this cleaning dance. It is enough to keep our downstairs cleaned up. 
Although I spent the early part of the evening in excruciating pain I was able to get it under control with more pain meds and got a decent night's sleep. God be praised!
My other task is to have available a supper through lunch menu and make sure I have what I need on hand. 
It's all do-able if I remember to pace myself and not do too much.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Snowy Weather

It has been cold and snowy today. It's a nice day to have a cozy fire to warm up with. i have had a lot of chest wall pain. Could be weather related, I don't know.  I find that flexeril helps with pain and so I use it when this happens.  I am blessed with trusting doctors who give me what I need and aren't turned off that I only use it when I need it and don't take it everyday (like the label says).

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Just Plodding On

It's a beautiful sunshiny day today to be followed tomorrow with snow!  I am glad I have nowhere to be accept here at home. Each day my husband seems to feel a little better. May be he will go back to work on Monday if he continues to improve.
I am tired and have a sore back today. Doing a bit of catch-up housework this morning and looking at resting after lunch.
I purchased a couple of Amaryllis plants. I am so excited to watch them grow so quickly. Perhaps I'll have flowers for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


My husband often says to me, "Don't ask why.  It doesn't really help. Just use the tools you have to contain the pain."
Love that man. I am and have always been an asker of why.  I think I imagine that if I find out why, I can back track and make it go away.
I have been blest with good doctors and PAs who don't think I am making it all up to get attention or to get good drugs or to get out of working. My first encounter with this insidious syndrome gave me an introduction to those medical persons who thought those very things because I fell outside the realm of their expertise.  Sad to have wasted so much money and time on them when they would have done better to tell me that they just didn't know rather than accuse me of making up my pain.

With my team of helpers now we have delved into ways to help me be able to function better and feel better.  They looked beyond my perpetual "looking good " to help with the need to feel good.
A rheumatologist from New Zealand (locum at the specialist office) first diagnosed me but he did not give any help to deal with pain and fatigue.

 I saw a second rhematologist because I couldn't quite believe that the first one came to the diagnosis so quickly. She spent almost two hours with my husband and I and came to the same conclusion. However she follow the diagnosis withe the statement, "I don't deal with fibromyalgia!"

Chronic illness robs you of the life you once knew but I have found that with a bit of help you can persevere and find a new approach and a new normal and life can be good again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

R & R

After the long day yesterday and some catch up laundry and dishes today we both rested. I know my husband is feeling better because he was up for part of the day.  His color is better and he coughed less today.  I am having that "fibro-feeling" of tired achey body and no energy.
I keep my camera close by so I can take pictures of the birds coming in to the feeders. Today's birds are a yellow finch and a nuthatch.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Another Trip for X-rays

Husband is still very sick. We made a doctor's appointment for 10AM.  Guess what, his lungs still "rattle" and so he is on a stronger med and needed another X-ray prompting another forty minute trip to the hospital and pharmacy.
I am getting steadily more tired and am coughing as well. I also had a severe flare-up about an hour before we left to see the doctor. The heart attack like pain hits hard and hurts like the dickens. It comes unbidden but can usually be gotten under control with Flexeril.
Today that is what happened and the med worked just as it should.  I am so thankful.
I put in a crock pot meal this morning knowing how tired I would be tonight.  I am so glad I did.  It smells so good. Can't wait to taste it. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014


We have a sun room where we sit and watch the birds come in to feed. It is a real nature program where we can observe their habits and enjoy their antics.
I also have a large kitchen window where we sometimes see deer and occasionally wildlife in the lower pond.
Today,because of all the rain, snow and sleet, the upper pond is full and some critters made their way up the hill and into the pond.  This fact was not lost on our Siamese.
She has faithfully kept the perimeter free of moles and mice.  Now she thinks she can catch something in the pond!  It was not to be. She does not do water very well having jumped into the tub once when it held emergency water and found it not to her liking! The critter, a water animal for sure, quietly moved away and Suki came back to the door to be let in.
Between the cat, the critters and the bird watching life is pretty interesting around here!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Today husband spent most of the day sleeping. After I cleaned up the kitchen and thought through the days' meals I also went back to bed. I slept on and off all day as well.  I feel like I could sleep for a week and hope that this is just the fibromyalgia and not pneumonia.
My neighbor came by but didn't stay long.  She offered to get me anything I might need at the grocery store.  I didn't need anything.
Some snow fell last night as well as some hail so it is icy outside today.  I was slipping around when I went out to the mailbox.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Rough Day

It's been a rough day.  My body has reached the limit. I'm tired, hurting and cranky.  I am thankful my husband is treating his pneumonia well. He slept all morning, had lunch and now is sleeping all afternoon.  Rest is the best thing he can do at this point.
I need to unplug and rest myself but I see so much that needs to be done.
Now the weather has turned to sleet. Thankfully we don't need to go anywhere.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Husband has rested and actually looks rested.
The antibiotic seems to be working.
I got a good night's sleep.
I was able to go back to bed after breakfast and sleep another two hours.
I was able to put my "to do" list on the back burner.

I am thankful for all these blessings.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Antibiotics and Rest

That's what the doctor ordered. Dear Husband has a bit of pneumonia on his lung and needs to rest for the next few days to see if the meds kick in. If not he will need a more potent drug.  I drove him to the doctor's and into Calais for an Xray of his lungs.  We picked up his script and some groceries and headed home. My body is screaming at the exertion I am putting it through.
I expect to make tonight an early night and get up tomorrow to face another day. What gets done, gets done.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

In Sickness and In Health

I deal with daily chronic issues that my sweet husband helps me with. It becomes difficult when he gets sick and we both are trying to maintain equilibrium. He has had a nasty cough and very sore chest from all the coughing the last couple weeks. He has managed to go to work but comes home exhausted.  Today I am dealing with the cold as well and we are both sick.  When he arrived home an hour early and headed straight for bed I knew we were in for a tough night.
This is when I wish that family lived nearer and could give us a hand.
Tonight I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other knowing that eventually, "this, too, shall pass."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

And Snow It Did

The first snow of the season has brought heavy sticky snow.
It was coming down early this morning and continues to do so. There are also heavy, cold winds. My body is not so thrilled with the storm and I am resting between loading the stove and making chicken soup for my, once again, sick husband.  He has a raw cough and is tired and achey. I have threatened to get him to the doctor if he doesn't rest.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Better Morning

After a difficult afternoon and evening with the help of medication I was able to sleep and sleep well.  This morning found me driving to Baileyville to see my sister's booth at the local craft show.  I bought a hat she had made and a lovely set of napkins her husband had done on the loom.  I walked around but saw nothing else I wanted or needed so I headed back to the grocery store.  I had a short list and then I headed home.  The house smells of chili cooking in the crockpot. Yum. Being able to pull out frozen meals has helped me a great deal.
Snow is in the forecast, 5 - 15 inches.  My body already told me that change was in the air.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Crash and Burn

I've had enough good days these past two weeks that the "new normal" feels terrible. I have no energy. My chest wall hurts. I just want to stay in bed and sleep it off.  Only that doesn't really work.  I did that yesterday and here I am today feeling just the same.
I'm so grateful for the good days I had.  I know they will come again.
In the meantime I feel like a slacker.  The body over heats whenever I attempt to do any work.  I am so tired I don't even feel like listening to music.  In my brain I see so many things I both want to do and need to do. Its NOT going to happen, not today anyway.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Not Unexpected

My husband is feeling much better today.  He was kind enough to share his cold with me!
I woke twice in the night having trouble breathing and then this morning I started coughing hard enough to hurt my chest. I used my inhaler in the night and that worked. However, I work up jittery probably due to the albuterol in the inhaler.  I had my coffee with some tincture and then went back to bed.
After awhile I felt better and somewhat energized. I started making a couple loaves of honey-wheat bread and now am waiting for the second rise so I can get them in the oven. Bread making is easy because I use the Kitchen-Aid mixer to do the kneading.
Now I think I will lay down again (sleepiness has come over me) and catch a nap.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Getting Into a Good Routine

I always feel better when the house is in order and a supper plan is in place. If I don't rush myself in the morning (remember I was the "hit the ground running" person) but take everything slowly I do get the house in order and don't get exhausted along the way. Eating breakfast is so important even though its hard for me to do.  Since husband leaves the house so early for work he makes his own breakfast. I am up when he leaves but just having coffee.
I move very slowly through the next hour often watching a Netflix episode while eating oatmeal. I take the early meds and cleanup the kitchen.  Then I get dressed and start a wash. I have been trying to do smaller washes so I can get through the wash, dry, fold and put away cycle. Otherwise it piles up in baskets and I feel awful.  I take lots of "sit in my recliner" rest periods and cruise the net, play a computer game or watch the birds. Anything to keep me down for at least 15 minutes.
I have a friend who drops in every day and spends at least an hour here.  That is my long rest period.
Afternoons I lay down for an hour or two. Sometimes I bake.  Sometimes I read or listen to audible books.
Fibromyalgia has made me rethink how I "do" my life but I am thankful to be able to care for my home, and keep my husband fed and in clean clothes so he can continue to work.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Being Warm

Have I mentioned that we sold our cook stove and then waited two weeks for our new stove to come in and be operational? I was amazed at the distress my body felt with just gas heat and no wood heat.  There's something about the warmth that a wood stove offers. I am delighted that we got the stove installed and running. The warmth it gives really helps my fibromyalgia pain to lessen.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

                             Siamese Cat

This is Suki. She is willing to keep me company no matter how I feel!


I need grace this afternoon. Grace to keep on in spite of nagging tailbone and leg pain. My husband has acquired a nagging cough and aches and pains throughout his body. He is trying to rest and recoup so he can go to work in the morning. It helps him if I don't have unmanageable pain so I need grace.
My brain is foggy and I have made no meal preparations. Lunch, I think, will be scrambled eggs, bacon and english muffins. I have all those ingredients and can pull this meal off without having think really hard.
I know that some of what's going on is payback for doing so much the two days I was feeling so good!  I'll deal because I have my house winter-ready now and that isn't a niggling concern.
I should do a wash today because my dryer still isn't fixed and it takes so long to dry the clothes on the racks. But I won't.  Lunch and supper are priorities.

Remembering Good Days

There is a problem with only talking about the painful, exhausting, and debilitating days. Once in a while there good days, even great days. It often happens to me that if a have a good day it is followed by a series of very painful and tiring days. It is the nature of the syndrome.
This morning I am doing the "happy dance" because I have had two and a half good days in a row!  I worked hard to keep the early evening pain at a manageable level and woke up feeling pretty good!  Hurray!  Hurray! The new alternative med tincture I am using is working.
I am convinced that last night's pain was mostly osteoarthritis pain because of my age.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Long Day

Yesterday was a long day. I saw my doctor at 9:30AM. We discussed at length the alternative med I was tincturing. I have been very happy with the results so far. I can sleep at night. I am already cutting down on my pain meds. I seem to have enough energy to go all day. Yes, I am tired at night but I am doing much more than I was. I didn't get home until 4PM after shopping and waiting for prescriptions to be filled. It is a forty minute drive to the grocery store. However, supper got made and served and then I got in bed to watch some Netflix.

I must have slept well because I hit the ground running this morning. I rearranged my living room and cleaned up the mess as well visited with friends. Yes, I am tired again tonight but I feel pretty good.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Learning to live lightly

Fibromyalgia is a most interesting chronic disease. It can present different ways on different days. Just when you think you have it all figured out something else pops up.
I have had bad back pain this past week and have added a heating pad to the back of my recliner to help every time I sit down. Yesterday I woke up with no back pain. It just stopped! I feel like dancing!
In the middle of the night I had restless legs, even though I regularly take a med that usually works for that.  I paced. I wiggled around. I finally moved to the couch and was able to get back to sleep.
My PA added an increase in a morning med but since its been added after taking it I get serious cramps followed by a bathroom explosion.  I isolated the problem to that med and have stopped taking it... could that has caused the leg issues.
As I said, "Every day is different."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It Seemed Like a Touchdown

I reached 70 in June of 2013.  I was looking for answers and honestly a "fix" for the pain and fatigue I was feeling. It's harder now because all the symptoms can look like the onset of old age. Into my 70th year I went for a Doctor's appointment some 3 hours down from my home and yet still in Maine. It was with the rheumatology group I'd been seeing for the last year and a half.  Once again a new doctor was there. Once again he was looking at my file while walking in.  I was surprised when he said, "I think you have fibromyalgia."

"Why," I asked.

"Well, you have pain and fatigue and all the tests done on you are normal."
Then he touched the tender points on my body. "Aha, you have them all!"

I was astonished because no one else had any idea what was going on with my body.  I came home with some hand-outs and so ideas as to how to deal with it but I wasn't sure he really new what I had.
I decided to see a second rheumatologist to confirm the diagnosis. She spent an hour and 1/2 with me and came to the same conclusion. She had read my file ahead of time and she asked a lot of questions and did an extensive work-up. However, in the end, she said she really didn't take on patients with fibromyalgia.

She sent my file back to my home clinic to my PA. My PA was able to begin the journey, with me, to figure out what would work or not work now that we had an actual diagnosis. It seemed like a touch-down!