Wednesday, November 12, 2014


My husband often says to me, "Don't ask why.  It doesn't really help. Just use the tools you have to contain the pain."
Love that man. I am and have always been an asker of why.  I think I imagine that if I find out why, I can back track and make it go away.
I have been blest with good doctors and PAs who don't think I am making it all up to get attention or to get good drugs or to get out of working. My first encounter with this insidious syndrome gave me an introduction to those medical persons who thought those very things because I fell outside the realm of their expertise.  Sad to have wasted so much money and time on them when they would have done better to tell me that they just didn't know rather than accuse me of making up my pain.

With my team of helpers now we have delved into ways to help me be able to function better and feel better.  They looked beyond my perpetual "looking good " to help with the need to feel good.
A rheumatologist from New Zealand (locum at the specialist office) first diagnosed me but he did not give any help to deal with pain and fatigue.

 I saw a second rhematologist because I couldn't quite believe that the first one came to the diagnosis so quickly. She spent almost two hours with my husband and I and came to the same conclusion. However she follow the diagnosis withe the statement, "I don't deal with fibromyalgia!"

Chronic illness robs you of the life you once knew but I have found that with a bit of help you can persevere and find a new approach and a new normal and life can be good again.

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