Friday, July 24, 2015

Rough Week

If it weren't for the kitten joy and the daughter joy I might have thrown in the towel. I have bee so tired and have slept a lot. My youngest came to see me on Monday morning and stayed til Wednesday morning. We had a wonderful visit although much of it was laying on the bed! She looks so healthy and is managing her life well. She gave me some advice and was quite firm about it! I continue to be the mama who wants to give and care and participate in the the lives of all my children.  She said, "Rest, relax, take care of you. We all know you are sick and we all love you."  What a sweet daughter.
Wednesday I saw one of my doctors and then went to get my glasses fixed.  I had somehow lost one of the nose pieces and they had gotten bent from falling on the floor. It was great to see straight again.  I did some shopping and came home exhausted.  Lots more sleeping. One night of extreme agitation in body. And more sleeping as well as moving slowly through my day.
I finally have a rheumatologist visit next Friday. I hope to get some help with meds and management.
Life goes on!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


I didn't sleep well Thursday night and consequently spent most of the day sleeping on Friday. Good thing because Smudge had her six kittens through the night into Saturday morning. What a surprise to find all six are replicas of her! No hint of who the father might be! Today I have dragged myself through the day making sure Mama cat is managing all right and taking cute pictures!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Cool and Crisp

I'm up. The temps at 51 degrees are cool and crisp. It is a less humid day. Here's hoping I do more than sit around. Yesterday I managed very little except to finally connect with our realtor. I am trying to get him to put better pictures of our farm on the site. We worked on them together by phone. I am mentally exhausted from the process. Consequently my sweetheart made supper and served it as well. I seem to be mostly pain free but also tired most of the time. It would be nice to not be so tired! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Finding Balance

The new meds seem to be helping with pain. It has been a relief. However the continuing chest wall pain is an issue. It is unpleasant to say the least and very painful. I have had 7 episodes since the 10th of May. Now we are adding no sleep to the mix. I am not in pain but I just cannot get to sleep. It causes difficulty during the day. The humid weather isn't helping as well. I am dragging myself around with no energy. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Excellent Doc

I wrote a post yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. I am having trouble putting pictures up and I think I deleted the post. Ah well.
I saw the replacement PA at the clinic on Tuesday. He was one of the best! He took his time. He listened. He asked good questions. He didn't rush me. I was able to get the referral I wanted for a rheumatologist and he actually knew her! He also stopped some of the meds I'd been taking feeling that they were not helping. He added two new ones.
Because of where we live Paul was not able to get them until Thursday. No matter I have been feeling good for couple of days. (only dealing with constipation).
However last night I got hit with the most excruciating pain in my chest wall. I took all the recommended med and MJ as well. Nothing touched it. I had heat on my chest and was trying to be distracted by the TV. Finally I took another med and that doubled the dose for me. That worked!
Another painful night...I hope the Rheumatologist has some ideas.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Pay Back

By Saturday afternoon my body was just "off". I laid down about 1PM and slept all afternoon. I had leg cramps and muscle pain throughout.
Yesterday we had a great morning. Paul got two raised beds cleaned out while sat on the sidelines and supervised! We put in kale, swiss chard and carrots. I had planted a square raised be with flowers. I hope they come through.
Together we made a wonderful lunch of steak quesadillas. It was delicious.
By afternoon my body had had enough and I fell asleep quickly and sleep most of the afternoon.  I got up in time for a quick bite and so episode watching. I needed extra pain medicine to help my body calm down so I could sleep.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Celebrating Early!

Because Paul had the day off we decided to celebrate the fourth a day early. We arrive in Machias before noon and beat the crowd at Helen's. Our meals were delicious and! Paul had blueberry pie, not too sweet, just like he likes it and I had strawberry pie.  I just love strawberry pie.

We then went to Jasper Beach. It is an all rock beach that is usually uninhabited. Since it was close to the holiday I guessed that there might be 10 people there. I was right. We brought beach chairs but I sat in the rocks because they were so warm. I fell asleep and ended up with rosy cheeks from the sun.

Being there was so relaxing! I am glad we stepped away from the pressures of the farm sale long enough to get a day off!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Breezy Day

Although it is hot the breeze has kept the bugs down. I am so thankful.
Yesterday was a full day in Calais or getting my hair done and doing several errands. I needed to fill a couple of prescriptions but my regular pharmacy didn't have one so I had to go to the other pharmacy in town. It seemed that everywhere I went took a long time. By the time I got home I was tired. Since I left so early the house was a wreck and the dishes were still out from the day before. I mustered enough energy to clean up but hubby had to put together our supper.
Because I had done a lot of walking my legs hurt and I ended up with a leg cramp. Ugh!
I work up this morning with another knife like chest pain. After dealing with that I went back to sleep until my friend came at 10:30AM. The rest of the day has been just laying around as I am still sore and tired.
We have a beach day planned so I hope I feel better tomorrow.