Thursday, April 23, 2015


Our realtor came today to take inside and outside pictures. It didn't look too good earlier this morning but by afternoon the sun came and it looked really bright. The other thing that happened was that the rains took away a lot of the snow in front of the house.  I know that there is a  person who will be the buyer for this property out there. It is time for patience and to keep on keeping on.
I am feeling tired every afternoon but I think it is because of my new med schedule.  I am running with it and taking the naps I feel coming on without complaint. If my body needs more rest that I think it deserves the med will help me overcome those thoughts!
Husband and I have been setting aside time to read, talk and pray each morning and that has helped tremendously. God's plans are bigger than ours and we seek to follow Him.
It has been good while he is between jobs to spend time together. When the house sells we would like to by a house outright and have him retire.  He has been a great help with the housekeeping tasks and hasn't complained at all.

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