Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spoiled Rotten Kitties!

We purchased a Siamese kitten about two years ago, mostly to keep me company. My husband was working long hours and I was alone most of the time. She was very young when we got her (not yet 8 weeks old) and bonded with me immediately. Since her arrival we acquired a couple more queens that were finished with baby making and had them fixed. They came to keep our Suki company. However they terrorized her and we hardly saw her for days on end. Since they were gorgeous animals and were fixed I was able to place them separately in excellent families.
Suki reappeared and became very vocal. However she was constantly under foot and almost knocked me over a few times.

We started again to find her a companion. This time we decided a young kitten would transition more easily. I found Smudge a four month old who had the color and behavior of a Russian Blue. She was full of life and loved "her" people. She was very discriminating around strangers. We became her people and our friends became her friends. Her behavior was more dog-like. She came when you called her. She ate well and used the litter box. She was a quick learner. Everything became a toy.
Suddenly Suki began to play with toys as well. She did not hide and seemed to tolerate Smudge well. They began to chase each other around the house. Suki is still my baby but quickly Smudge became Papa's girl.
The two keep us entertained with their antics.

I spent most of the day yesterday sitting in the recliner and the cats kept me from being bored. This morning I am feeling better and I'm so very thankful. The randomness of Fibromyalgia pain is crazy-making. Having two silly cats for distraction is a great help.

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