Sunday, February 22, 2015

No Show

We had a few inches of snow in the night and our Siamese wanted to go out. Her short term memory is non-existent as she hates the snow but in a couple hours after looking out she cries to go out again! Here are some pictures of her and her dilema!

The Saturday realtor showed up right on time. Today's guy was a "no show".  We had originally contacted him a few weeks back and he never got back to us.  He wanted another chance so we scheduled a visit this afternoon. He did not come. However we'll see if Tuesday's person shows up.
The fellow who came yesterday has a great marketing group behind him and was well versed in what he could do and what he thought our place was worth.
Today was a beautiful sunny day. The temps were in the high 20s and it felt warm! My husband was able to rake some snow off the front roof but he blocked my window view because the pile was so high.  When I told him it blocked my view he gracefully shoveled it over. I can see out again!
He was outside most of the afternoon and when he came in as the sun was setting he started the wood stove.
I have been very tired today Perhaps from the hurry, scurry of getting things looking as good as they can. I did get a lot of reading done today while rested in the recliner. I also got outside for a few minutes.


  1. I hope you can find just the right realtor. A big decision to make, I'm sure. Poor kitty. I sure wouldn't want to stay out long with all that snow! Hope you rested up. Have a good day.

    1. Yes, today is a rest day with the snow blowing hard and making drifts in front of the door. The sun is shining brightly with 19 degrees but the wind chill is below zero. Thanks for reading my blog.
