Wednesday, January 7, 2015

And Here We Are

Bone chilling cold. Yesterday started at 8 below. Today at 2 below. Tomorrow even colder. This is winter here in Maine.
Yesterday was very hard on my on my body. Between the wind chill and the doctors appointment and the food shopping and the picking up of a new prescription as well as going to the hospital for chest x-rays I was beat. I had to have a fasting blood draw and didn't get to eat or have coffee before 10 o'clock. That meant no meds as well. Although it wasn't fun I realized that the morning regimen of meds were actually working as my body was achy and everything hurt before I was able to take the meds.
Our pharmacy and food shopping are 40 minutes from home and I don't go more than twice a month. I hadn't been in to shop for over a month. Needless to say our food stocks were getting low. I did a lot of walking around two different stores and then went to the hospital for my x-ray. We had planned to go to a couple of other stores but I was so tired I asked my friend if she minded skipping those and heading home.
When go home the car had to be unloaded in the bitter cold and frozen and refrigerator stuff had to be put away.  I was exhausted and in a lot of pain.
By bedtime the pain had escalated and even watching a very interesting movie didn't distract me. My Dr changed my pain med and I was a little nervous about taking it . My body doesn't always function as expected with new meds. I can't complain. This med worked better than the other one and I got a decent night's sleep.
Rest is on my plate today as well as keeping warm. I will try and get the dishes done and plan supper at the most. Other than that R&R is what's required.

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